The One-Woman Show

As a newly emerging artist who, at some point, decides to share their art with the world, you encounter a wave of requirements that don’t get less over time but rather more and more. You start sharing your work on social media and struggle to always have enough footage. Suddenly, you have to be able to make videos to stay competitive. That was the moment for me when I felt like I could no longer reach this level of thinking power.

Contrary to expectations I managed to overcome this hurdle but the next shock didn’t take long to emerge because you’re NOTHING without your own website. And if you’re a One-Woman-Show like me you have to familiarize yourself with the software to create a homepage. One would assume that this is no longer a problem in today’s world of YouTube and billions of tutorials. Well, it is. It cost me an incredible amount of nerves to finally come across the ONLY useful tutorials after endless searching. And those were NOT the videos of the software developer themselves but the inconspicuous and, based on the number of views, rather unpopular videos of a man speaking in broken English.

Last but not least, an artist must have nice flyers, brochures, business cards, certificates of authenticity and maybe even a catalog. That’s the gift that keeps on giving. And now you realize that Microsoft Office is no longer sufficient. Somehow I succumbed to the fallacy that my software knowledge would be covered forever with this software. Instead, I realized that the modern creative world is now dominated by Adobe Creative Cloud. So I had to learn how to use Adobe InDesign with the utmost of my patience and ability to concentrate.

And meanwhile you should be creating new art … 😵

I wish you a successful week and that you’ll never ever again have to learn to use a new software!

Much love!


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Christine Bathelt

Abstract and Space Artist

“My painting is finished when I have captured part of the freedom of the top of the cumulus cloud. It has to be new and unexpected, unseen and exotic.”

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