1001 Nights

1001 NACHT (Serie), 3 Stk. 50x50 Kunstwerke, abstrakte und kosmische Kunst (abstract and space art), Christine Bathelt

I love to create series of artworks. And today I would like to introduce you to one of them: 1001 Nights! The series consists of three artworks and was created only with the colors red, orange, yellow, black, natural sienna (= dark ocher) and light blue. The format of the artworks is 50x50cm.

You see ALADIN on the left, MORGENLAND in the middle DSCHINNI on the right! And my painting TROPENNACHT in the background just to set a nice scenery 🤪

Aladin, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 50x50cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstrakt art), Christine Bathelt

The first artwork I was working on was ALADIN which after completion also determined the theme of the entire series. The shape of the central figure and also the colors reminded me of the Middle East whose culture has always fascinated me. ALADIN holds a very special place in my heart. It was my first completed artwork in spring 2021 after months of depression-related hiatus. And although I was still feeling pretty bad at that point, working on ALADIN went smoothly 😍

Dschinni, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 50x50cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstrakt art), Christine Bathelt

Then I painted the artwork DSCHINNI. I particularly like the crescent-shaped marks in the middle and the harmonious coloring of the lower right corner which was designed with the colors red, natural sienna and a little bit of black. My working title was the inglorious title pineapple 😂

Morgenland, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 50x50cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstract art), Christine Bathelt

I completed the series with the artwork MORGENLAND. This painting has a special history. It’s the first and only artwork that I completely covered with white after several painting sessions to start all over again. I normally don’t do this sort of thing. I paint over individual elements but never the whole artwork. In this case, however, the state of the painting was so catastrophic that I deemed this drastic step necessary. The first attempts on the freshly whitewashed canvas were just as bad but after some effort MORGENLAND ended up being one of my favorite artworks.

How do you like my series 1001 Nights?
I wish you a gorgeous summertime!

Much love!


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Christine Bathelt

Abstract and Space Artist

“My painting is finished when I have captured part of the freedom of the top of the cumulus cloud. It has to be new and unexpected, unseen and exotic.”

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