The Harlequin Way

Harlekinstraße, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), Weltraumkunst (space Artwork), 100x120cm, Christine Bathelt

Have you heard the news yet?

The universe expanded by one more galaxy: the HARLEQUIN WAY! It’s a place where the lightness of being meets the cosmic power of creation.

This just completed artwork holds a very special place in regard to my artistic development. It is my first work in this large format: 100x120cm / 39.4“x47.2“. In addition, I used a variety of special techniques and styles. In this artwork I combine my abstract style with a special brush technique that allows me to create realistic galaxy clouds.

Harlekinstraße, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), Weltraumkunst (space Artwork), 100x120cm, Christine Bathelt

With the planets being rather large in relation to the galaxy, I added a playful element that defies the laws of correct magnitude and gives the artwork an exotic and unexpected touch. On the other hand, the planets are very small compared to my previous space depictions which is also an innovation in my visual repertoire.

Harlekinstraße, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), Weltraumkunst (space Artwork), 100x120cm, Christine Bathelt

The HARLEQUIN WAY gives every place a unique cosmic energy. For the space freaks among you: I’m a witch and managed to capture dark energy! 😝🪐

I wish you a gorgeous early summer week!


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Christine Bathelt

Abstract and Space Artist

“My painting is finished when I have captured part of the freedom of the top of the cumulus cloud. It has to be new and unexpected, unseen and exotic.”

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