The Moment of Freedom

Kolibri 9, Acryl auf Leinwand, 80x80cm, Christine Bathelt Artroom 1

Where do we find freedom?
What does freedom mean to you?
Can we ever be free?

Everyone has asked themselves these fundamental, even philosophical questions at one time in their life. And I have only recently thought about it. I love watching clouds and especially bright white cumulus clouds. My gaze always wanders to the highest point. That is where all dreams and hopes are. When I look there, I know what freedom means to me. The sunlit, snow-white cumulus mountains have a hypnotic effect on me. I don’t want to look away, I want to capture the view as long as possible.

Karibische Affäre Wolkenstrukturen, abstrakte Kunst, abstrakt art, Christine Bathelt

Do I find the definition of my freedom on this cloud, a guide to what needs to be done to attain freedom? And finally I realized this: That moment of fascination with the beauty and perfection of the peak of the cloud is part of freedom. And this freedom is not tied to what action we take or don’t take, it exists effortlessly in the individual perception.

Helium Butterflies Wolkenstrukturen, abstrakte Kunst, abstract art, Christine Bathelt

An abstract artist is often asked, how do you know when an artwork is finished. I can finally answer this question: my painting is finished when I have captured part of the freedom of the top of the cumulus cloud. It has to be new and unexpected, unseen and exotic. I cannot define the state of completion in terms of shapes or colors but I can feel it when I look at it.

Traumwolken, abstrakte Kunst, abstract art, Christine Bathelt

Cloudy structures play a central role in my artworks. For me, they represent the infinity of imagination and freedom in its purest form. Below you find a collection of my artworks with the special focus on dreamy color clouds 🤗❤️

Much love!


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Christine Bathelt

Abstract and Space Artist

“My painting is finished when I have captured part of the freedom of the top of the cumulus cloud. It has to be new and unexpected, unseen and exotic.”

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