Abstract and Space Artist

Karibische Affäre

100 x 100 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Karibische Affäre, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 100x100cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstract art), Christine Bathelt

An exotic color dream of joy, desire and longing.

Yellow sunlight flashes through the palm canopy, is reflected in the surface of the water, flashes here in mint green, there in pastel yellow, even in neon yellow. The silhouettes of the palm leaves appear almost black in contrast and flutter in the tropical wind.

KARIBISCHE AFFÄRE is a color dream of joy, desire and longing at the same time. A tropical cocktail that transforms any room into an exotic oasis.


Size: 100 x 100 x 1,8 cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas

Price and details in the ART BOOK

The current digital ART BOOK contains prices, information on commissioned works and some great secret pieces that you won’t find here on the website.