Abstract and Space Artist


50 x 50 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Dschinni, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 50x50cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstract art), Christine Bathelt

The Genie rises from the magic lamp as the sun sets over the desert.

The Genie (also written as Dschinni) rises from the magic lamp and is here to grant you three wishes. You know him from the Oriental tales of „Arabian Nights“. The intense scent of exotic spice blends floats in the air above the bazaar while the sun disappears as a huge glowing ball over the horizon.

The artwork features a warm, brownish-red color. Personally, I love the crescent-shaped spatula structures in the middle and see them as a symbol of the remarkable fact that the Orient is the cradle of the three monotheistic world religions.


Size: 50 x 50 x 1,8 cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas

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