Abstract and Space Artist


40 x 40 cm
Acrylic on canvas
€ 400
Marianne, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 40x40cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstract art), Christine Bathelt

The unknown in the depths and in the distance.

Strangeness fascinates and captivates us. We find it all around us, be it on our own planet or far out in space.

The artwork spans an arc between outer space and the deepest ocean trench on earth, the Mariana Trench.

Blue veils and transparent structures embedded in infinite black create a mysticism that is characteristic of both places. The exoticism in the vastness and in the depths resemble each other.


Size: 40 x 40 x 1,8 cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
€ 400

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