The 2x2m-Art-Project

I have an amazing art project planned this summer: I’m going to create an artwork on a 2×2 meter canvas! Unfortunately everything was a bit delayed because the canvas was first delivered with a broken wooden cross on the back but now everything is fixed and ready to go!

According to the season it will be an outdoor project: I will work on my artwork in my wild jungle garden. I’m super excited to start and a bit intimidated at the same time. Everyone can roughly imagine how big 2×2 meters are but from recent personal experience I can say that it is quite a bit larger than you think. Even taking the pics for this newsletter wasn’t all that easy: the canvas was too big, the sun was too bright and my eyes were too small.

As further challenge I set myself the goal of filming the entire painting process. From several angles with several devices – camera, phone, someone else’s phone from I don’t know who yet. Honestly speaking, as an artist you would need an entire film crew in order to be able to document your process properly. In my case, with the giant canvas, it would be best to have a cameraman on a lifting platform as well. That will come next summer…

2x2m Kunstprojekt, abstrakte und kosmische Kunst, abstract and space artist, Christine Bathelt

In terms of design I haven’t decided on anything yet. I don’t know yet if it will be an abstract or cosmic artwork nor do I know what colors I will use. Sometimes you just have to surprise yourself! 😝

Much love!


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Christine Bathelt

Abstract and Space Artist

“My painting is finished when I have captured part of the freedom of the top of the cumulus cloud. It has to be new and unexpected, unseen and exotic.”

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