Abstract and Space Artist


80 x 80 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Drachenschwarm, Acryl auf Leinwand (acrylic on canvas), 80x80cm, abstrakte Kunst (abstract art), Christine Bathelt

Make the extraordinary in you visible.

The signature of this artwork is an unusual color scheme: neon yellow meets dark yellow, light red meets neon pink. The shapes are characterized by intense movement in all directions. A little bit of neon pink paint is incorporated into the light red cloud structures, giving the entire artwork a fresh sorbet-like effect.

DRACHENSCHWARM impresses effortlessly in a classically furnished environment as well as in modern office spaces.


Size: 80 x 80 x 1,8 cm
Technique: Acrylic on canvas

Price and details in the ART BOOK

The current digital ART BOOK contains prices, information on commissioned works and some great secret pieces that you won’t find here on the website.